Whether you have a residential or commercial roofing system, you must schedule an inspection after an extreme weather event hits your area.
If your roof got damaged during the storm, you might need to file an insurance claim for getting the proper roof repairs or replacement.
Filing a claim and getting insurance estimates doesn’t have to be overwhelming with the help of a dependable roofer.
Read on to learn more about insurance estimates for storm damage claims.
Assess the Damage
Following a storm, have your property inspected by professionals. While waiting for the pros, assess the damage inside your home or business. You can also walk around your property and look for signs of damage from the ground.
It will help to document any issues you find by taking photos and videos. You can then use this documentation to support your claim.
Get the Adjuster’s Statement of Loss
The next thing you need to do is to get the statement of loss from the insurance adjuster. The adjuster will provide it to you after the company has completed an inspection of your home or business. The adjuster can also send it through email.
Review the Statement of Loss
Once you have the statement of loss, review the document carefully. It should include the projected cost of repairs or replacement (RCV), the depreciation and the estimated actual cash value (ACV). The depreciation refers to the amount held back until the work is done. Meanwhile, ACV is the amount you’re expected to get for addressing the damage.
Obtain Estimates
After reviewing the statement of loss, it’s time to get estimates from contractors. You’ll then need to provide the estimates to your insurance provider. If your insurer approves your claim, the company will modify the depreciation section to let you know how much will be covered for the repair or replacement. You will then receive a check that covers the said amount.
At Bay Valley Contractors, we’re here to help assist with your storm damage insurance claim. Besides roof repairs and replacement, we also specialize in gutter installation. Call us at (925) 705-7889, or fill out our contact form to get a free estimate.